Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What I'm thankful for: August 22

Today I'm thankful for...


Today is "Be An Angel Day," and while I'm not exactly sure what that means, I think that being kind is probably a hallmark of being an angel. Kindness goes a long way. If you're having a long day and are really stressed out, then you know better than anyone that someone's words and attitude can either make or break you at that point. So, my challenge for all of you today is to practice kindness. Allow me to indulge in my cheesy side for a moment, but you never know the effect your words and kindness can have on people, so build them up!

And if I'm unkind to you today, you can throw a book at me...


  1. You should be thankful for #inservicetweets/bingo keeping you entertained this week.

  2. I think I've got a topic for tomorrow now...
