Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 30

Today I'm thankful for...

The challenge at my gym!

My gym started a 3 month challenge yesterday where you pay a set amount of money every month and at the end, the person who has lost the most body fat wins the entire pot. I'm so excited about this because it will be an added layer of accountability for me as I work to get in shape and lose weight. Also, I'm slightly competitive, so this will really fire me up! I'll probably post updates about my progress on one of my other blogs, so stay tuned!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 29

Today I'm thankful for...

Charity 5K races!

I participated in a 5K today called Sam's Sprint. This was the third year it's happened, and it was started by a couple who lost their five-month-old son to SIDS in October 2007. The event is held in honor of him and helps the family raise money for local organizations, such as the library and a new YMCA. I think charity 5K races are a wonderful idea. You donate money to a worthy cause, and you get to do something active. Plus some races give t-shirts, coupons, and other "swag". A 5K race sounds intimidating, but it's only 3 miles, which almost anyone should be able to do. Some 5K races (like today's) even have an option for you to be a "ghost runner," which means you donate and get a t-shirt but don't have to participate in the actual race. This is a great option for those who aren't feeling quite up to this distance yet. So, if you're looking for a way to contribute to your local community, and you want to do something beyond just writing a check, find a charity 5K race in your area!

Friday, September 28, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 28

Today I'm thankful for...

Women's events at church!

We're starting a new series for our women's events, and I'm so excited! I love having the chance to hear from different people and gain a new perspective on things. Also, I usually get to meet new people, so that's fun! If you're a woman in the area and want to check out our event, come to Joy Church at 7 PM tonight!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 27

Today I'm thankful for...


I'm particularly grateful to belts on a day like today when I did not make a wise outfit decision and have been fighting with the gravity of my pants all day. No one likes to see people's cracks (and if you do, you're sick!),  so I'll make sure I don't make the mistake of wearing these without a belt again!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 26

Today I'm thankful for...


A couple of weeks ago my church's college and career singles group (which I'm still in until I'm a married woman) had a bowling night. Will and I didn't really want to go at first, but we, along with my brother, went thinking we would just hang out for a little bit.

We bowled five games. In a row.

I always forget how much fun bowling is! For a little over $14 per person, we were able to bowl unlimited games for 2 hours, and our snazzy rental shoes were also included. It was a cheap date night and it was more active than me falling asleep on the couch while Will watches TV, makes paracord bracelets, etc, which is what's been happening lately. Getting old is rough!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 25

Today I'm thankful for...

Spell check!

Although I consider myself a relatively competent speller (although I'm no spelling bee champ), there are times when certain words just flat out stymie me. And, it's usually not a difficult word either. It's usually something like rabbit (2 b's? 2 t's? Both? I don't know!!). Thankfully, almost all websites now have a spell check feature, so when I get confused about a word, I just type it and wait for that little red squiggle to tell me I'm wrong. Even databases and search engines are on the spell check train, asking me "did I mean..." So, thank you spell check for making me seem smarter than I really am.

For some reason, today's post reminds me of Jimmy Fallon's "Thank You Notes" segment...

Monday, September 24, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 24

Today I'm thankful for...


Today is National Punctuation Day, and on this day, I am reminded of the importance of punctuation, no matter how large or small it may seem. After all, the difference between: "let's eat, Grandma!" and "let's eat Grandma!" is pretty substantial!

Happy Punctuation Day! Now, go forth and use a semi-colon!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 23

Today I'm thankful for...


UT and the Titans both won this weekend! That may never happen again, so I'll be excited about it while I can! Admittedly, I don't know much about football, but I'm learning. Also, I'm marrying someone who will watch football no matter what team, league, etc it is, as evidenced by him being enchanted by a high school football game on TV when we were at dinner Friday night. Guess I'd better brush up on my football for dummies...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 22

Today I'm thankful for...


It's officially the first day of fall! I've always loved summer but in the last few years, I've really started to appreciate fall. The weather is beautiful and you don't sweat every time you walk to your car. Plus, fall means wearing more pants, which means my ghostly white legs aren't on display as much, so everyone wins!

Friday, September 21, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 21

Today I'm thankful for...


Tomorrow is dear diary day, so I have to take a moment to be thankful for my diaries. I started keeping one in elementary school, and now it's so entertaining to go back and read about all of the things that bothered me back then or things that I thought I would never get over. It's also nice to see how far I've come as a person. I also have a five year journal that allows me to write briefly about each day over the course of five years. I started it when I was 25 and I will be done with it on my 30th birthday in July. Although it's time consuming sometimes, it will be interesting to go back and look at in the future (kind of like this blog...).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 20

Today I'm thankful for...

Work from former co-workers!

This is the "professional version" of me being thankful for past assignment examples on websites. Right now at work, I'm the only person teaching library instruction classes. Instruction isn't necessarily my strong point, so when I get requests for things like a nursing research class, I may or may not panic a little bit. Luckily, two of my former co-workers left me great resources that they compiled, which I can build upon or downright steal. Lest you think I'm being shady, know that I change things and go through everything myself. I don't do the entire presentation the same way. Also, I asked a professor and she said I should use existing resources, so I'm legit. So thanks Claire and Jenny for the fabulous files you both left for me! Can't wait to share them with someone else!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 19

Today I'm thankful for...


But let's be clear, I mean mythical, Johnny Depp pirates, not the real ones that are mean and bad (big, mean, stupidheads...I've reverted back to being a kindergartner...). Today is Talk Like A Pirate Day, and any day that gives me an excuse to say booty and ARRRRRRRRRRR is a good one. So, shiver me timbers, I'm getting my booty to bed. May not be the right use of the word booty, but when else am I going to use it three times in an entry??

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 18

Today I'm thankful for...


This isn't what I had planned for today, but it was a busy day that got away from me, and this is for real what I'm thankful for above almost anything else in the world right now! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 17

Today I'm thankful for...

Unexpected blessings!

They can be tiny, like someone complimenting you, or they can be huge, like a completely surprising gift from your family, but either way, I'm thankful for them!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 16

Today I'm thankful for...

My brother!

When I was younger, I asked for a younger brother, sister, or puppy. I got a brother, but sometimes I tell him (purely joking of course ha ha) that I would have a nice, loyal dog by now. Today is my brother's 21st birthday. I can't believe he's already 21! I remember my aunt picking me up from school on the day he was born. I remember us going to Sonic. I remember going to the hospital. I vaguely remember getting to see him after he was born, maybe through the nursery windows. Even though sometimes we argue about the dumbest things, I can't imagine my life without him. Happy birthday T! I love you!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 15

Today I'm thankful for...


Yay for Kelly Clarkson!! (Oh and The Fray and whoever else is supposed to be there). I've been preparing for the concert by singing along with her songs really loudly and really basically just continuing to do what I always do!

Also, for anyone curious, last night's celebration took us to the Omni Hut restaurant, which was delicious! I think I'm still kind of full from dinner ha ha.

Friday, September 14, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 14

Today I'm thankful for...

Family celebrations!

Right now, I'm heading to a mystery restaurant with my parents, brother, and Will to celebrate my brother's upcoming birthday and my finishing grad school. I don't know where we're going, but it's not important. The important part is that we're celebrating! I love family celebrations, whether they're for me or someone else. There's something nice about celebrating accomplishments with the people who love you the most. It makes it feel more important and special. Plus, it's always nice to get some free food family time. ;)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 13

Today I'm thankful for...


Saturday is International Eat an Apple Day, but I already have another topic for that day, so I decided to celebrate apples tonight. I love red apples. Green ones can just mind their own business. The only thing that gets me about apples is that I feel hungrier after I eat them. Does that happen to anyone else?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 12

Today I'm thankful for...

Joy Church!

Yesterday marked my two-year anniversary of attending Joy Church. It's the only church I've ever regularly attended and been a member of. It's also where I got baptized and where I met my husband-to-be. The pastor is hilarious but his teachings are Biblically based, so you're given Truth along with laughter. Plus, they have Saturday night services, which is great for a lazy person like me who wants one day of the week where I don't have to get up before 8 AM! If you're in the middle TN area and looking for a great non-denominational church, come visit Joy Church. I'll come with you...even if you go on a Sunday! ;)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 11

Today I'm thankful for...


And you should be too. God Bless America, and never forget.

Monday, September 10, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 10

Today I'm thankful for...

Google Docs!

Last but not least in Google Week is Google Docs, AKA, the thing that let me do my homework at home or on my lunch break without having to worry about keeping up with a flash drive. I love being able to work on things like homework, writing projects, my budget, or blog topic ideas on multiple computers, and Google Docs makes it possible to do so. Okay, that's all I've got tonight because it's bedtime!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 9

Today I'm thankful for...

Google Sites!

I wrote the last 4 or 5 days worth of postings in one afternoon, but I forgot that I didn't finish up the last couple of days of Google Week! Oops! Guess I need to stay on top of my blog organizing skills lol.

If you've never used Google Sites, I would highly encourage it for making simple websites. Everything is laid out in an easy-to-use manner, and you can embed things like Google Forms on there. I've made a couple of sites, but I haven't kept them as up-to-date as I should, so I won't post links here. Hmm, running behind seems to be a theme tonight...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 8

Today I'm thankful for...

Google Reader!

I'm a blog-a-holic. I love to read them (and write them, clearly), but I get a little overwhelmed by all of the postings. Thankfully, Google Reader keeps them all together for me and lets me put them in as many nerdy categories as I want to. So if I just feel like reading about fashion or health one afternoon, I can. Or, if I want full-out blog gluttony, I can read postings for hours. They even suggest related blogs for addicts like me.

I'm starting to feel like I work for Google. Maybe they'll give me a cut for all of these postings...

Friday, September 7, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 7

Today I'm thankful for...

Google + Hangouts!

Google + may not be super popular, but the hangouts were a lifesaver during grad school. When we had group projects and all of us were located in different locations, it was nice to have a centralized place where all of us could "meet" and share documents. They would also make a good place to have online group meetings or use as an alternative to Skype (that I'm a little less than impressed with). Google + hangouts are kind of like FaceTime for the non-Apple crowd...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 6

Today I'm thankful for...

Google Calendar!

I'm a little bit of a scatterbrained person (stop laughing!). I also tend to over commit myself to things and sometimes forget what it is I'm supposed to be doing. Luckily for me, Google Calendar helps my brain a little bit. I've long had a debate with myself about paper calendars versus electronic ones, and each time, I keep coming back to the electronic calendar. I can make several color coded calendars, and I can get reminders sent to me via email, text message, and pop up alerts on my gadgets. The hardest part is remembering to put everything on my calendar, but that would be a problem no matter what kind of system I used!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 5

Today I'm thankful for...


I absolutely love Gmail. All through college, I used Yahoo, and while it was okay enough, I didn't really know what I was missing until I started using Gmail. I'm a nerd librarian who likes for information to be organized, and Gmail has labels, color-coding, and all kinds of other nifty little tools that allow me to arrange my email in about a million different ways. Also, we use it at work now, and it has a great spam filter, which is handy when I get yet another email on my work account asking me about my latest "online pharmacy" order.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 4

Today I'm thankful for...


It was on this day in 1998 that Google was founded. To honor it and how it has taken over my life, I'm devoting the next few postings to Google and its related offshoots. Can you imagine life without Google? I know that librarians are supposed to be the "gatekeepers of knowledge," but honestly, Google knows more than I'll ever know! Plus, if you know some searching strategies, you can almost always find what you're looking for. And as an added bonus, the word Google is a lot more fun to say than librarian...

Monday, September 3, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 3

Today I'm thankful for...

Labor Day!

Okay, I'll be completely honest. I didn't really know what Labor Day was beyond getting a day off work, the unofficial end of summer, and the end of being able to wear white shoes and pants (because Southern people stick to fashion traditions...winter white my foot...). So, I took a look at the U.S. Department of Labor's Website and found that Labor Day is "a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country." I'm still not 100% sure what it is, but at least I'll have a smart-sounding definition to use if someone asks me about it. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 2

Today I'm thankful for...


September 8 is Literacy Day, but since I already have something planned for that day, I decided to celebrate literacy today. As a librarian, I can honestly say that literacy is a very important topic to me. Literacy does not just cover being able to read, but it also covers things like information literacy, which is the ability to distinguish between good and bad information. So, if you're literate and reading this, be thankful that you're literate. If you're illiterate and reading this, well, you might want to have someone read you the definition of literate...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What I'm thankful for: September 1

Today I'm thankful for...


September evidently is National Piano Month or something like that. I'm sure I've said this before, but I'd love to know how these months and days are determined! I have a special place in my heart for pianos because they're the only instrument I've ever received lessons for...twice. I took a piano class in college and learned how to read a few basic notes. I think I had to do an original composition also. I also took piano lessons when I was about 8 years old. According to my mom, I only went to a couple of classes before I wanted to quit, saying that he had taught me everything he knew (or something like that). No wonder I'm such a piano rock star now...