Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I'm thankful for: February 22

Today I'm thankful for...


I'm not Catholic, so I won't even pretend to know everything about Lent. However, I do know that it involves giving something up from Ash Wednesday (today) until Easter Sunday, a 40 day time period. This blog posting gives an idea about why you give something up during Lent. I'm choosing to give up Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest during this time period. I've become a little addicted to those websites, even going on them when I'm supposed to be in class, and this seems like a good way to help me with that. Also, I need to work on developing more of a quiet time and spending more time with God. I've now freed up more time than I care to admit, and that can go back to Him! I have a lot of other things I need to do that I've been procrastinating on, so now that my tools of procrastination have been taken away, I'm excited to see what I accomplish.

Now, if you got to this entry from Facebook or Twitter, rest assured that I'm not cheating already. I have an automatic RSS feed crawl that will post to those sites whenever I update the blog. Plus, my brother changed all of my passwords, and I have no idea what they are, and he definitely won't give them to me before Easter! I hope that eases your mind! ;) If for some reason, you need another way to contact me during Lent, leave a comment on an entry or email me at ambercanread at gmail dot com, replacing the at and dot with the symbols, of course.

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