Sunday, October 21, 2012

What I'm thankful for: October 21

Today I'm thankful for...

Color Run!

Okay, confession time: last night I wasn't even sure that I wanted to go. I wanted to sleep in this morning and not get up and go do a 5K, especially because I've been having some weird knee issues this week. However, Will encouraged me to do it because I had already paid for it, and I have to say...I loved it! The Color Run is "the happiest 5K on the planet," and on the course, there are four color stations where people throw powder on you (made of cornstarch and dye). There were around 10,000 people who participated, so it was insane! We were in the last wave of people, so by the time we went through the color stations, the volunteers were just throwing the powder on us. Also, at the end, people were throwing powder packets everywhere. Let's just say, I'll be cleaning powder of out my nostrils for a week!

This is how we looked after it was finished:

The Color Run was untimed, and I didn't want to use my timing app for fear of messing up my phone, but I did some research, and I'm thrilled to say that I jogged a consecutive mile of it!! I don't know if I've ever jogged a mile in my life!! It was slow, but I did it! So yay Color Run for being fun AND for giving my first jogging mile!

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