Sunday, March 18, 2012

What I'm thankful for: March 18

Today I'm thankful for...


When you're young, you know everything. No one can tell you anything that you don't know because you already know it all. Then one day, as you age a little, you realize that maybe there's one or two things you don't know...or maybe five, six, seven, or a hundred. Luckily, there are people around you who can give you guidance in these areas of your life where you may not know everything. Guidance doesn't have to be from someone who's vastly older than you; it just needs to come from someone who has been there before and made mistakes that you probably would make also. Learn from these people. Seek guidance in all areas of your life, and you will save yourself the trouble of "reinventing the wheel" so to speak. And if you receive enough guidance, you can at least make other people think that you know close to everything!

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