Monday, April 23, 2012

What I'm thankful for: April 23

Today I'm thankful for...

Caring college professors!

Today is Shakespeare's birth/death day (which is weird that it happens to be the same day...), and it made me think about one of my undergraduate professors who would always commemorate the day with a pin and maybe some kind of costume. My memory is hazy on what he actually wore, but when I thought about that, I started thinking about how caring he and the other English professors were. I'm a nerd, and I love English-y things, but some classes (Grammar, Style, and Editing) were too much for me. When things were too much, the professors would take time to console me and let me know that, yes, I would understand the subject matter if I kept working at it, and no, I wasn't the dumbest person alive. I had a lot of great undergraduate professors, both within and outside of the English department. I've also had some great graduate professors both at my tiny school and my large school, so it's not a phenomenon unique to small universities! So, to all of the professors who have taken their time to guide me and make sure that I keep working hard, thank you. Your words have meant more to me than you'll ever know! Also, to all of the professors I work with but never had classes with, keep plugging away. No matter how thankless you feel that your job is, I promise you are making a difference in at least one person's life!

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