Thursday, April 5, 2012

What I'm thankful for: April 5

Today I'm thankful for...

The healthy living program at work!

I'm a somewhat competitive person. It's really bizarre to me because I've never played any type of team sports or participated in activities where competition is a benefit, but in my daily life, I'm pretty competitive. So, when my employer announced a healthy living program that included a challenge against other people, I was in! I've been doing it for about 2.5 months and while I haven't lost a significant amount of weight, I have started to eat healthier and have been exercising a lot more. I've been making healthy lifestyle changes that were spurred by competition with others but will be continued because of competition with myself. Thanks program at work that has kind of died down but will hopefully have a resurgence in the fall for helping me take the first steps to being healthier!

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